Duck Team investigates the attack on Shroomrot's lair! Calder earns -2 to charisma, Callie finds closure in a strange place, and Sol is hit with a bombshell. "Langston" by Emily Axford. "I Need to Know You're Taken Care Of" by Emily Axford. "Deadeye" by Emily Axford. "Moonshine's Stump" by Emily Axford. "The Gunslinger's Girl" by Emily Axford. "A Fairy Remembers" by Emily Axford.
C3 Ep. 18: Shroomrot (The Dragon Elf Chronicles)C3 Ep. 20: The Sapphire Scale (The Dragon Elf Chronicles)
C3 Ep. 19Hunters of the Void (The Dragon Elf Chronicles)
September 9th 2022
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